06 385 8384 .. 52 Arawa Street Ohakune [email protected]

Thank you for enquiring about Ohakune School and taking the time to find out about our school and community.

All good schools are the result of the input from a wide range of people over a long period.

Ohakune School continues to be extremely fortunate in having a dedicated and highly skilled staff, a committed Board and a very supportive group of parents who continue to support us in multiple ways.

They continue to contribute to the opportunities we provide for our pupils and the wider community. We value these partnerships and are constantly looking for ways to improve them.

Literacy (Reading and Writing) and Numeracy (Mathematics) have always been our priority at Ohakune School within a balanced, broad and place based curriculum. We want our learners to find their passion, experience success and know who they are and where they belong. We are recognised as being a family environment with great learning opportunities and a caring, nurturing team.  Relationship based learning is at our heart along with building great connections with our community, Kahui Ako including our ECEs and our local college.

We strive to provide our learners with the very best opportunities and innovative programmes and resources to support their learning. What happens in schools now is probably quite different from what it was like when you were there. Why not come in and see us in action?

If you want to find out more or stay informed and up to date with events and Ohakune happenings, join us on Facebook or download the Ohakune School Skool Loop app from the Apple or Android Store.

I look forward to meeting you and your family/whānau.

Ngā mihi

Lisa Clark
